Ethical code of conduct

As our work culture determines the ambience of our work, the ethics we adhere to form the basis for our culture.


The personal and professional behaviour of Employees shall confirm to the standards expected of persons in their positions, which includes:

  • A commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and honesty in their work and while dealing with its client organisations.
  • An adherence to ethical and legal standards to be maintained in business;
  • To ensure that there is no misrepresentation of facts.
  • Statement of terms and conditions, clearly, honestly and accurately.

Conflict of Interest:

Mindwave Media will ensure that it works in the interest of its client organisations and ensure that there is no conflict of interests between its clients.

Confidentiality and Integrity of Information:

Will be maintained at all times. We are respectful to confidential information while maintaining transparency in our dealings with our employees, customers and suppliers.

Acceptance of gifts and other benefits:

Employees should not give or accept gifts, entertainment, or any other personal benefit or privilege that would in any way influence or appear to influence any business decision.


The Company is committed to provide a work environment that is free of inappropriate behavior of all kinds and harassment on account of age, physical disability, marital status, race, religion, caste, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Plagiarism and Fraud:

The act or intent to cheat, trick, steal, deceive, or lie — is both dishonest and, in most cases, criminal. Intentional acts of fraud are subject to strict disciplinary action, including dismissal and possible civil and/or criminal action against the concerned Employee.

Compliance with Laws and Agreements:

All Employees shall conduct business in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the particular District, State or Country.

Health, Safety and Environment:

All Employees shall comply with the company health and safety norms as communicated to them from time to time. Employees shall bring to the management’s attention any workplace safety or health hazard.


We ensure that all our communication to our stakeholders is in a transparent, respectful and courteous manner. We respond to inquiries, complaints of customers, suppliers and employees in a timely way.

Political Contributions and Activity:

Employee shall not make any contribution of funds or assets of the company to any political party or organisation or to any individual who either holds public office or is a candidate for public office.

Equal opportunity Policy:

It aims to eliminate discrimination in any employment on age, gender, disability, race, colour, nationality or religion. It expects all its employees to treat both genders equally while dealing with them in their respective areas of operation.                     

We respect the sentiments of our people and do not prevent them from practicing or following their respective faiths while at work. We provide an ambience wherein individuals can achieve their individual goals while achieving the organisational goals simultaneously.