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How to make Storytelling on Social Media work for your Brand?

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  • Post published:December 15, 2021
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A week ago, I was just browsing the social media. I was so interested and curious in knowing what people are doing, when are they getting married, where have they been for a vacation etc. Social Media seemed like a platform to share experiences. Time passed. A sunny afternoon was now a gloomy winter evening. This grabbed my attention and I was just pondering that what brands start posting stories the same way like humans do. What if brands told a story? It would have been so engaging!

I know Brand Storytelling is not a new concept. So, why don’t all brands in the world adopt this marketing technique? Are they hesitant to put up a story on social media? Or I think, they don’t have an engaging story to tell.

Well, I should tell all the Brand Heads or Marketing Managers, there is nothing to worry. My team and I have specialized in Brand Storytelling, just for you!

I know Brand Storytelling is one of the best ways to increase your brand awareness, reach a newer segment of consumers and of course, attract more followers on social media. Storytelling gives you an opportunity to build an emotional connect with your audience. A story that resonates is a story that is remembered.

It is not always about a good story! The term ‘good story’ is very subjective. To play a safe game, always share experiences. I’m sure there is nothing more captivating than hearing a real experience. Make your brand a human to hit the right chords of emotions.

However, if you want to go for a ‘good story’, always have a theme, character and most importantly, a structure- beginning, middle and the end. After all, the key of Brand Storytelling is to mean something to your audience along with reflecting your brand’s mission and vision.

Always remember that the right content needs to match the right platform. For instance, keeping your story text heavy will not suit your audience who is watching you on Instagram. But, the same story can work wonders on LinkedIn.

Very few brands understand the deeper meaning of ‘Brand Storytelling’. Hence, I along with my team are here to help you. Take our Brand Storytelling Services. We are experts in developing a brand story that reflects your marketing goals, your audience’s needs, a structural heft and an emotional angle to build a connection. We can discuss further over a cup of coffee. Get in touch with me at +91-9561068555.

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