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Why should Melas be a Part of your Brand Marketing Strategy in India?

Numerous Melas are happening every year in India; every month, your brand has an opportunity for mass promotion.

Melas is the center of family gatherings, religious beliefs, and a great medium of entertainment in India’s small towns and rural regions. They are known for their darshan and snans.

People come to Melas to have a ‘good time’ in their ‘free period’, taking a break from their daily chores and routines.

Not 1, Not 2…there are many reasons for brands to include promoting at Melas in your brand’s annual marketing strategy plan:

  • Be a part of Indian traditions and rituals: In India and especially in the small towns and rural regions, people have an emotional connection with the age-old traditions and rituals, which are preserved in these Melas. If your brands could support their beliefs and practices with its strategies, it creates context and relevance that pulls a pool of consumers. Brands need to match consumer psychology, emotions, and views to connect with them and influence their buying behavior.
  • An excellent spot for the floating population: Even the smallest Mela in India has recorded a footfall of more than 10,000 visitors daily. A simple information booth or a poster at the Mela has worked wonders for brands to create awareness. However, recently, brands have been looking for something more than awareness- engagement. Melas have the potential to take brand awareness to the next level. They allow your brand to be innovative and unique to capture the attention of millions out there!
  • Best place for purpose-driven marketing: The audience at the Mela is usually emotional and hence, is always keen for help or getting facilities. Purpose-driven marketing has a long-lasting impact on the minds of the consumers as it serves their purpose of availing help/facility. Melas lets brands serve a larger purpose than promotion. They get obliged with the services and tend to reciprocate to the brand by being loyal.
  • Product Sampling or Experiential Marketing: You can mass promote your brand by allowing your consumers to try the samples or experience your service. At the same time, your brand gets a chance to highlight its unique selling proposition in front of a massive audience at one time.
  • Goodwill in the eyes of Government: Melas are organized by the State Government. Most of the time, the Government is tight on budgets for infrastructure. Hence, this is where the role of Corporates comes in. They should grab this opportunity of helping the Government with infrastructure like installing changing rooms, washrooms, brushing booths, massage rooms, medical vans, lost and found centers, barricades, watchtowers, direction boards, information boards, boats, and so on.

“Melas, yatras or jatras are a massive religious gathering in India. As brand strategists, we will always advise your brand to make their mark on such platforms because you can easily find your audience here, change their behaviors, and sell your product at attractive rates. Melas are the most cost-effective platform for your brand to mass promote its products and services. We have worked for many brands like Dabur, Emami, Apollo Pipes, and JK Cement in the past and have proved Mela a successful stage for them”, says Mr. Rajesh Radhakrishnan, CMO & Founder of Mindwave Media.

So, it’s time for brands to dive in the pool of Melas. First, select the one where you feel you will get your audience.

Click here to know the upcoming Melas in India.

Still confused? No worries. Our team at Mindwave Media is happy to help you. We not only choose the right Mela for you, but also work towards serving your goal by giving out innovative OOH, Activations, Digital Marketing and Experiential Marketing solutions. We are always associated with the State Government for Melas, Yatras & Jatras.

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